Thursday 12 March 2015

Hey guys im back. Today ill be showing you something special. A year or so ago i bought some of the lotr sbg magazines and on the front of one of them was a metal gandalf the white model. Ages later after much sitting in a plastic box in my hobby room that model has been completed. I present to you the leader of the defenders of minas tirith...

 I Had to hold the model in place on it's base for the pictures because the glue failed. I think I will have to pin it...

I hope you enjoyed looking. Stay tuned for more modelling goodness,


  1. That model is pretty cool, and I love your highlighting on it!
    This kind of minis often have that problem... the miniature weight is too much for the leg to handle it... it's a bit of a shame..

    1. yeah i agree. Thank for the positivity tho!
